ReactJS – Virtual DOM

The Virtual DOM (VDOM) is a concept implemented by React to optimize the performance of web applications. Instead of directly manipulating the real DOM (Document Object Model), React uses the Virtual DOM to make updates more efficient.

How the Virtual DOM Works

  1. Initial Render:
    • When a React component is first rendered, React creates a lightweight copy of the real DOM, called the Virtual DOM.
    • The Virtual DOM is a JavaScript object that represents the structure of the actual DOM.
  2. Updating the UI:
    • When the state of a component changes, React updates the Virtual DOM first.
    • React then compares the updated Virtual DOM with the previous version (a process called “diffing”).
  3. Reconciliation:
    • After the diffing process, React identifies the changes that need to be made to the actual DOM.
    • React updates only the parts of the real DOM that have changed, minimizing the number of direct manipulations and improving performance.

Simple Example

Let’s create a simple example to demonstrate how the Virtual DOM works in a React application.

Step 1: Create a New React Application

First, create a new React application if you don’t have one already.

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start

Step 2: Create a Counter Component

Create a new file Counter.js and add the following code:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  const increment = () => {
    setCount(count + 1);

  return (
      <h1>Counter: {count}</h1>
      <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>

export default Counter;

Step 3: Use the Counter Component

Modify the App.js file to include the Counter component:

import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Counter from './Counter';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <header className="App-header">
        <h1>React Virtual DOM Example</h1>
        <Counter />

export default App;


  1. State Management:
    • The Counter component uses the useState hook to create a state variable count and a function setCount to update the state.
  2. Event Handling:
    • The increment function updates the count state by 1 each time the button is clicked.
  3. Rendering:
    • The Counter component renders a heading that displays the current count and a button that increments the count.

Virtual DOM in Action

  1. Initial Render:
    • When the Counter component is first rendered, React creates a Virtual DOM that represents the initial state of the component (count = 0).
  2. Updating State:
    • When the button is clicked, the increment function updates the count state.
    • React updates the Virtual DOM to reflect the new state (count = 1).
  3. Diffing:
    • React compares the updated Virtual DOM with the previous version.
    • It identifies that only the text inside the <h1> element has changed.
  4. Reconciliation:
    • React updates only the text inside the <h1> element in the actual DOM.
    • The rest of the DOM remains unchanged, making the update efficient.

Benefits of the Virtual DOM

  • Performance: By minimizing direct manipulations of the real DOM, React improves the performance of web applications.
  • Efficiency: React updates only the parts of the DOM that have changed, reducing the overhead associated with re-rendering the entire DOM.
  • Consistency: The Virtual DOM ensures consistent behavior across different browsers.


The Virtual DOM is a key concept in React that helps optimize the performance of web applications. By using the Virtual DOM to manage updates, React minimizes direct manipulations of the real DOM, improving efficiency and performance. This example demonstrates how the Virtual DOM works in a simple React application, showcasing the benefits of this approach.

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